11 star fire project page


A creative agency that builds awesome stuff all day

A Quick Overview of our Projects List

a website development site for 11 star fire that runs digital graphic design and digital marketing    "</p

We are a website graphic design company that operates all across of Malaysia and Singapore. Our goal is to emphasize on quality, trust & grow with you along the way.

What make us diffrerent? We’re drawn to design projects that challenge our creativity and get us thinking outside the box. We offer a fair & competitive market price.

Web Development

Image Video Creation

Product Photography

Social Media Management

E-Commerce Platform Design & Management


Other Request



You are the reason this team does what we do, your suppport has brought us this far! Thank You!


Creative and with the best quality you will get

Giving Back

Taking responsibility for the impact on society


The Yayasan Kajian Masyarakat (YKPM) that facilitates the OA Organics project was aired on national Singapore TV on 23 May 2019! The YKPM team was one of the three “guardians” featured by the Singapore Mediacorp Channel U, who filmed some Orang Asli and the people who work with them to improve their livelihoods.

Helping them achieve every impossible goals and dreams

11 Star Fire has the privilige to work with YKPM on digital design projects. It is apart of our iniatiative in helping them achieve every impossible goals and dreams. As a result, the projects was success and fruitful, hence provide a natural sense of accomplishment!

“The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more”  ~Jonas Salk

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To help our senior citizen

Buy me a Coffee Project

Eligible for all senior citizen above 60 years old